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Donate to Ventana's Annual Fund

The Annual Fund is the school’s most important philanthropic initiative, providing the flexible unrestricted support for the current year’s operating budget.

$227,184 raised

$275,000 goal


Each day at Ventana, we see what it looks like when wonder and curiosity are given a place to thrive. We see your children engaged and joyful, collaborating and learning through questioning, exploring, and hands-on opportunities both inside our Reggio-inspired classrooms and across the campus. There is a unique feeling here, a feeling that inspires us every day to grow and offer an amazing learning environment to our students. The Annual Fund makes all of this possible!

Gifts to the Annual Fund directly support the following core operational priorities for the current school year:


At Ventana, every student has space to explore, connect, and express their boundless creativity both in and outside of the classroom. The Annual Fund supports everything that goes into designing and delivering our Reggio-inspired programs and enables our teachers to thoughtfully and intentionally create educational experiences that nurture critical thinking, collaboration, and communication. It impacts all aspects of our program, from having new and engaging materials in the classrooms and our outdoor play spaces to showcasing children’s work, to the development of new programs and or events.


Teachers are the heart of Ventana! The Annual Fund supports professional development such as Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, and Belonging workshops, social-emotional learning workshops, and training specific to the developmental stage that teachers are working with to ensure that our teachers remain at the forefront of educational best practices. In addition, Annual Fund gifts enable us to recruit and retain inspiring teachers with competitive salaries.


Ventana is committed to increasing economic diversity and making our program accessible to as many families as possible by offering Flexible Tuition. Currently 25% of Ventana families participate in Flexible Tuition which is partially supported by Annual Fund gifts.